Chapter 1. General
1.1 General Information
Please read this documentation carefully before installation and operation.
Injury, death, loss of property, fire, electric shock, malfunction, reduced performance & machine life, and critical failures can result from not reading, understanding, and following the Operation Manual!
Operation of the system is permitted only with equipment and spare parts supplied or listed in the spare parts and consumables lists. The use of 3rd Party components may void the warranty.
Auxiliary equipment must be adjusted to the base machine (contact us for further info).
The following symbols are used throughout the Operation Manual:
⚡High Voltage: Care must be taken to prevent injury and/or death.
🔆Laser Radiation: Pay attention to the dangers of the laser beam.
🔥Fire Hazard: High potential for fire. NEVER RUN UNATTENDED!
1.2 Designated
OneLaser Hydra SERIES is used for engraving and cutting of signs, stamps and suchlike.
Awide variety of materials such as rubber, acrylic, coated metal, tin, special steel,
anodized aluminum, cork, cardboard, glass, leather, marble, several plastics and wood
can be processed on the laser.
⚠️1. The engraving process must only be performed with a perfectly adjusted machine.
2. Use of the system in other areas is against the designated use. The manufacturer does not admit liability for damage to personal and/or equipment resulting from such use.
3. The system must only be operated, maintained and repaired, by personnel that are familiar with the designated field of use and the dangers of the machine!
4. Non-observance of the instructions for operation, maintenance and repair described in this Operation Manual excludes any liability of the manufacturer if a defect occurs.
5. Caution when processing conductive materials (carbon fibers), Conductive dust or particles in
the ambient air might damage electrical components and lead to short circuits. Bear in mind that those defects are not warranted
1.3 Disposal remarks
Do not dispose the machine with domestic waste!
Electronic devices have to be disposed according to the regional directives on electronic and electric waste
disposal. In case of further questions, please ask your supplier. He might take care of proper disposal.
1.4 TechnicalData/DeviceSpecification
1.5 Manufacturer's Label
The manufacturer's label is located on the back of the device (see Figure below).
It is recommended to record all of the data so that you always have this handy. You will need to supply your Serial Number to our Support Team on occasion.
2.1 General Safety Information
All personnel involved in installation, set-up, operation maintenance and repair of the machine, must have read and understood the Operation Manual and in particular the "Safety" section. The user is recommended to generate company-internal instructions considering the professional qualifications of the personnel employed in each case, and the receipt of the instruction/Operation Manual or the participation at introduction/training should be acknowledged in writing in each case.
Safety-conscious of Working
The machine must only be operated by trained and authorized personnel.
The scopes of competence for the different activities in the scope of operating the machine must be clearly
defined and observed, so that under the aspect of safety no unclear questions of competence occur. This applies
in particular to activities on the electric equipment, which must only be performed by special experts.
For all activities concerning installation, set-up, start-up, operation, modifications of conditions and methods of
operation, maintenance, inspection and repair, the switch-off procedures that may be provided in the Operation
Manual must be observed.
Safety Information for the User and/or Operating Personnel
⚠️1. No working methods are permitted that affect the safety of the machine.
2. The operator must also ensure that no unauthorized persons work with the machine (e.g. by activating equipment without authorization).
3. It is the duty of the operator, to check the machine before start of work for externally visible damage and defects, and to immediately report changes that appear (including behavior during operation) that affect the safety.
4. The user must provide that the machine is only operated in perfect condition.
5. The user must guarantee the cleanness and accessibility at and around the machine by corresponding instructions and controls.
6. No safety components may be removed or disabled (again we emphasize the imminent dangers, for example severe burns, loss of eyesight, etc…). If the removal of safety components is required during repair and service, the replacement of the safety components must be performed immediately after completion of the service and repair activities.
7. Preparation, retooling, change of work piece, maintenance and repair activities must only performed with equipment switched off and by trained personnel.
8. Any attempt to perform unauthorized modifications and changes to the machine can
VOID THE WARRANTY.This does not apply to preventative & general maintenance,
adjustment and alignment, etc… that follow OneLaser’s best practices.
2.2 Laser Safety Information
🔆1. To assess the potential dangers laser systems pose, they are classified into 2 safety classes, OneLaser Hydra series is a device of class 2. This is guaranteed by the protective housing and the safety installations.
Please note that improper and warranty operation of the device can override the status of Safety class 2 and can cause the emission of harmful radiation.
2. This laser engraving system contains a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser of class 4 that emits
intensive and invisible laser radiation. Without safety precautions the direct radiation or even diffuse reflected radiation is dangerous!
3. Without safety precautions, the following risks exist with exposure to laser radiation:
Eyes: Burns to the cornea
Skin: Burns
Clothing: Danger of fire
4. Never try to modify or disassemble the laser and do not try to start up a system that had been modified or disassembled!
5. Dangerous radiation exposure can result from the use of operation or adjustment equipment other than that described here, and if different operational methods are performed.
2.3 Safety Precautions when Operating the Device
Your OneLaser Hydra SERIES has an integrated safety system which immediately stops the job when the protection cover (Lid) is opened. An incomplete job will occur if the cover is opened during operation. Press the "PAUSE" button first if you want to interrupt an engraving process.
Please remember the following safety precautions when working with this device:
🔥1. CO2 Fire extinguishers should be placed near laser.Always keep a properly maintained and inspected fire extinguisher on hand.
2. Do not store any flammable materials in the inside of the device. Particularly leftovers of produced materials have to be removed to prevent fire hazard.
3. Please maintain free airflow around this system at all times. Do not cover the machine while in operation.
4. Stay with the laser. Do not leave the laser unattended when it is working, small scraps can ignite and without supervision can destroy the machine if not checked.
5. UseAir Assist. Always use the system’s Air Assist feature when vector cutting.
🔆1. These lasers emit invisible radiation; safety glasses should be worn when maintaining these machines for your protection.
2. Adjustment of the beam path must be performed only by specially trained personnel. An improper setting can lead to uncontrolled emission of the laser radiation.
⚠️1. Do not disable limit switches or safety features as this can invalidate warranties and cause damage to you and the machine.
2. Before processing materials the user must verify whether harmful materials can be generated and whether the filter equipment of the exhaust system is suitable for the harmful materials. We emphasize that it is the responsibility of the user, to consider the national and regional threshold values for dust, fogs and gases when selecting the filters and the exhaust system.
(The values for the maximum workplace concentration must not be exceeded.)
3. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) must under no circumstances be processed with the laser.
2.4 Warning and Information Labels
⚠️The warning and information labels in various locations if the machine should always be read carefully and understood. If labels are lost or damaged, they must be replaced immediately.
Chapter 3. Process of Installing
3.1 Exhaust System– Requirements
Proper fume extraction is imperative to evacuate the combustible and noxious fumes that are created during the lasing process. This machine must be equipped with an adequate exhaust system. This includes a blower of rated flow, volume, and duty cycle as well as properly installed ducting and peripherals. You can further reduce smells from fine particulate matter with an inline filtering system.
⚠️Do not start the machine without an adequate exhaust system.
3.2 Air System– Requirements
The included air pump supplies the dual stage air assist control and is a critical component. This helps keep the focusing lens clean and cool during the engraving process. Air assist is also critical when cutting to reduce flame-ups and clear the debris field.
🔥Always use the system’s Air Assist feature when vector cutting.
3.3 Water Cooling System– Requirements
Wesupply genuine S&A CW-5000 series active water chillers to keep the laser tube cool. Overheating severely shortens tube life and causes irreparable damage to the tube. The supplied chiller only cools so it is of utmost importance to keep your laser from freezing!
⚠️Do not run the machine without an adequate water cooling system.
3.4 Computer– Requirements
The following recommendation represents the minimum requirements. When using a more powerful computer the graphics are generated and displayed faster and the computing times and the data transfer to the laser are reduced. To use the newest software version, you might have to abide other requirements.
• Windows 11 (32 bit or 64 bit )
• Windows 10 (32 bit or 64 bit )
• Windows 8 (32 bit or 64 bit )
• Windows 7 (32 bit or 64 bit )
Windows Vista (with Service Pack 1 or later)
Windows XP (with Service Pack 2 or later)
• 1024 MB of RAM, 400 MB of hard disk space
• Pentium® 3 or 4 processor or AMD Athlon™ XP
• 1024 x 768 or better monitor resolution
• 1 free USB interface
• 1 free Ethernet interface
• Mouse
3.5 Connections
⚠️Perform the connections exactly in the order described; otherwise electrostatic charging can damage your computer and/or the electronics of the laser system.
3.5.1 Connecting the Mains
Connect one end of the mains cable with the connection socket at the rear side of the laser device (see Figure below) and the other end with a protected power outlet.
Mains voltage and operating voltage must correspond (AC 230V 50/60 Hz or AC 115V 50/60 Hz)
⚠️Under no circumstances should you switch on the device if the voltages do not correspond.
3.5.2 Connecting the Computer
Connecting the Computer and the machine by using the USB cable. Like below:
Connecting the Computer and the machine by using the Ethernet cable. Like below:
3.5.3 Connecting the Air System
First of all, install connect the hoses (white side) to the mouth, the other side to the machine. After that, please connect the power cable (of the air system) to the machine. Like below:
3.5.4 Connecting the Exhaust System
How to set up the exhaust system
Insert one side of the gray exhaust pipe into the fan inlet and the other side into the fuselage behind the exhaust tank. Insert one side of the gray exhaust pipe into the fan outlet and put the other side of the pipe outside where you work (If the machine is far from the outside of the room that the gas manufactured by the machine cannot be
discharged; then you might need and dust/fume filter, it can keep the air quality of your working environment well).
Please refer to the following pictures about how to install the exhaust pipe:
3.5.5 ConnectingtheCoolingSystem
1. OpentheToolbox,andthentakeout thewaterpipes,water-errorsignalcableandchillerpowercable.
2.Oneofthewaterpipes,pleaseconnecttothewaterchillerwheremarkedas“OUTLET”,theothersideof the pipeconnect tothemachinewheremarkedas“WaterIN”.
4.TheWater-errorsignalcable,pleaseconnect to“ALARMOUTLET ofwaterchillerandmachine.
5.Thechillerpowercable,pleaseconnect it fromthelasermachinetothechiller.
6.Addpure(distilled) water into the chiller until the water level in the green area showing on the gauge. Run chiller for a period of time, the water will fill into the laser tube on the machine, please re-add water to keep the water level in the green area.
💡1. Please check again to make sure that the water inlet and outlet of the water pipe between the
machine and the chiller are properly connected before starting to run the machine.
2. If the laser tube is filled with water and there are still some bubbles in the laser tube, please press
the water inlet tube at the end of the laser tube to squeeze out the bubbles.
Chapter 4. Operation
4.1 Machine View
1. Camera
Camera function.
2. Topflap
If the Top flap is opened, no data is processed. Whenthe protection cover is opened during working, the motion system is stopped and the laser source is turned off. During processing of commands the protection cover must only be opened after pressing the “Pause “button.
3. Left-up side door
Many parts inside it, such as Y axis rail.
4. Left side door
Many parts inside it, such as RF tube.
5. Air quality detector
Detects air temperature and humidity as well as PM2.5.
6. Green Universal Spirit Level
Detect and adjust the horizontal or vertical position to ensure the machine is accurately leveled.
7. Front door
To clean the waste after working or remove the honey comb table.
8. Xaxis(left and right movement)
The motion system is that performs the mechanical movements in X direction.
9. Honey comb table
The honey comb plate sits on top of the blade bed and has indexing pins for alignment.
10. Y axis(forward and backward movement)
The motion system is that performs the mechanical movements in Y direction.
11. Front up door
Open this door to use pass-through door.
12. Control panel
You can control the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis manually by the display panel, it also shows the working time, power, speed and the whole working time and affords many function options.
13. Key switch
To turn on the machine.
14. Emergency stop switch
Once there’s an accident happen (laser catch fire, laser out leakage) during working, please turn off this switch immediately. It will be cut off the laser power and motion power immediately.
15. Door protection sensor
Laser will stop working once the cover is opened during working.
16. Ethernet connector
Connect machine with Ethernet cable.
17. Camera connector
Connect the camera.
18. PC connection port
Connect machine with PC cable.
19. Right side door
Many parts inside it, such as Relay,AC contactor.
20. Right-up side door
Many parts inside it, such as Y axis rail.
21. Auto-focus sensor
Used for the automatic focusing of the table.
22. Laser head
Laser beam and red dot pointer are all come out from the laser head.
23. Power socket
Connect the power cable.
24. Serial plate
Check the serial info.
25. Rear cover
Many parts inside it, such as 48V power supply.
26. “No-Water protection” signal port
This port is connecting the chiller with the signal cable.
27. Water in and water out
Connect to the water pipes.
28. Air intake
Connect the air pipe.
29. Chiller power socket
To connect the chiller power.
30. Exhaust hose
Connect the exhaust hose.
31. Laser tube cover
Many parts inside it, such as laser tube.
4.2 ON/OFF Switch
The mains power ON/OFF switch
The following conditions must be fulfilled for correct start up:
Unrestricted freedom of motion of the mechanics
No materials under the engraving table
Protection covers closed
Then turn the key switch to on
Then this page will pop up.
Click “Confirm and move”
If all covers are closed, immediately after being switched on, the device starts the referencing process. When the referencing process is completed correctly, an acoustic signal sounds and the device is ready for operation. The operation panel will display the home screen when the laser is completed resets.
⚠️Before switching on the device, the user must make sure that no objects of any kind are located inside the operating space, which could limit or obstruct the mechanics of the device.
4.3 Howtosetup the Lightburn software
4.3.1 Software installation
Please download the corresponding Lightburn at the link below.
If you use USB cable connection, please install the USB driver.
After selecting your options, click "Finish" and then wait for the driver download to complete. You can confirm this and then end the installation process.
A"Lightburn" icon will be automatically added to your Desktop, you are now ready to use the Lightburn.
4.3.2 Make connection between PC and machine
Make sure that you have the USB driver installed during the installation process.
Make sure that you have your PC connected to the machine via USB cable,Open Lightburn from right bottom corner of the software, Click "Find My Laser" to set up by the Devices setting.
Then follow Lightburn's instructions to complete the connection steps step by step.
Select the connection you just created and the display shows "Ready" to indicate a successful connection.
Now Lightburn communicates with your laser machine via USB cable.
💡When connecting the machine and the PC for the first time, it may take a few minutes for the operating system to recognize the machine and install the driver.
4.4 Howtousethe display

4.5 How to use the manual or auto focus function
1) Howtouse the manual focus function
Place the manual focus tool between the material and the laser head.
The focus distance is 6mm.
2) How to useAuto-focus function
Auto focus function can move up and down the laser head to make sure the most proper distance between the material and the focal lens.
By using the auto focus function, users can focus quickly and accurately before cutting and engraving which saves the time of cutting and engraving and brings the better cutting engraving result.
Please follow the steps below to use the Auto focus function
Move table down till there's enough space>>Place the material on the table>>Move laser head over the material
>>Click AF button on panel.
After that, the needed focus will be set automatically.
Please ensure you only press the autofocus button once for each autofocus operation.
4.6 How to use air-assist control
TheAir-assist control is an additional tool for laser machines.
Generally, cutting needs the air assist with high air-volume but engraving needs the air assist with low air-volume.
You can adjust the air volume by this knob, clockwise is lower, counterclockwise is higher.
4.7 Howthe heat alarm system works
The heat alarm system is an additional tool for laser machines.
Some materials such as acrylic, wood and so on, can easily catch fire, particularly during cutting.
The heat alarm system has a smart board with temperature sensor which will be reacted by an abnormal temperature (higher than 55°C/131°F) on working table. It will trigger at a certain temperature then signals to TL-Timer board to stop laser processing and give a few seconds warning sound, so operator can active fire control in time to reduce the potential losses and risks. An alarm will pop up on LCD panel.
💡When heat alarm system is activated, this warning will remain displayed until the condition that triggered the alarm disappears.
4.8 TheFirstTimeRunningtheLaser
⚠️To be safe,never ever run the laser system unattended.
Yours first engraving tests
The following steps describe how to successfully engrave a first pattern. Please follow the individual steps:
1.Switch on the laser, then wait for a beep to note the machine is initialized. The laser head will do the reset and find the home from the top-left corner.
2.After the machine finishes resetting, adjust the height of the laser head and place the material, usually on the top-left corner of the working table.
1) Move up the laser head.
2) Place the material.
3) Run autofocus or manual focus.
Please take care,If you are removing the honeycomb board for processing, ensure that you place the material under the laser head before raising or lowering the laser head and performing auto-focus.
Failure to do so may result in a collision.
3.Connect the machine with a USB cable or Ethernet cable.
4.Open the software Lightburn.First, click the Device Settings >> Enable Scanning Offset Adjustment.
The particular values are shown with a picture in the folder of the laser software on the USB flash drive and on the anodized aluminum piece that came with your machine.
5. Create sample text for engraving directly on Lightburn, then set up the parameter and download the file to your machine.
6. Click “Frame” button on the display, please make sure that the material is in the right location and there is
enough space for working.
1) Controlarrow button to move the laser head;
2) Click “Origin” button to select the start point;
3) Click “Frame” button to be sure the working area;
4) Click “Start” button to run the program;
7. Finally press “Start” button in the display, to start the engraving process.
8. While the laser is engraving, you can generate the next graphic.
After each operation, the laser head returns to its home position. Therefore, an auto-focus or manual focus is required before starting a new task.
9. When the engraving is complete, the laser machine will give out the notification sound and the laser head will go back to the original point, and the warning light will return to the green light, then you can repeat engraving.Please make sure the unit is in mm instead of inch.
4.9 Workstation Area Indication
4.10 Howtouse the Chuck Rotary axisAttachment
Steps are coming....
- When the rotary switch is turned on, the rotary is controlled by the same driver as the Y-axis, rendering the Y-axis inoperable via panel control. However, manual movement of the Y-axis is still possible.
- Always turn off the rotary switch after use. Leaving it on will result in the machine getting stuck at the startup screen when powered on. Please turn off the rotary switch first, then click the reset button, and finally use it again.
- I mean OPEN;O mean CLOSE.
4.11 For Laser Engraving
The engraving depth can easily be varied through the laser power or the speed. To increase the engraving depth, reduce the speed or increase the power setting. This way you increase the amount of energy per area unit. Engraving too deep, however, reduces the quality of the details. With coated materials the required power depends of the kind and thickness of the coating. With power set too high the individual lines become too thick and a sharp picture cannot be achieved. The resolution of the graphics should usually be at 500 dpi. The dpi setting (number of laser dots per inch) depends on the material. The lower this setting is, the lower the resolution of the engraved picture will be. This, however, reduces flaming and increases the energy of a pulse, which can
improve the overall result (e.g. when engraving some sorts of plastic materials).1. Plastics
Plastics for engraving are available in many different colors and thicknesses and with many different coatings and surfaces. The majority of available plastics can be well engraved and cut with the laser. Plastics with a micro-porous surface seem to give the best result, because less surface material needs to be removed. As most plastic materials have a low melting point, a low pip setting should be selected to reduce the danger of melting.
2. Acrylic
There are two different types of acrylic– cast and extruded. The cast acrylic becomes white or mat after engraving, the extruded acrylic remains clear. Use extruded acrylic for engravings that are filled with paint and cast acrylic for normal engravings. Cast acrylic can be best engraved without protection foil. It is better to engrave the entire surface with a low energy setting.
3. Engrave the rubber stamp
The various mixtures and densities of rubber plates cause a slightly varying engraving depth. The settings in the overview table give a good indication. Since engraving a standard rubber material requires a relatively high laser power, the laser power is principally set to 40% or more high and only the speed is varied. Due to their lower
density, so-called micro porous rubber materials allow a significantly higher engraving speed. Test the rubber first, to find out the correct speed setting. The RDWorksV8 software using the engraving function, you can choose “Ramp Effect” or common engraving, once you choose “Ramp Effect” and you will need to set a minimum power lower than Max Power, generally we set it to about 15%, and input a value with the Ramp Length what you want, but if you want to make it better, you may need to test different kinds of power and speed by yourself, then you can get the best result.
Engraving rubber produces a considerable amount of dust and terrible gas. Therefore a well-dimensioned exhaust system and its regular maintenance are very important.
Chapter 5. Maintenance
5.1 Cleaning the Laser Machine
⚠️Caution– use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified here in may result in hazardous laser radiation exposure.
Before starting cleaning and maintenance work always switch off the device and unplug the mains plug.
Always keep the system clean, as flammable parts in the working area or exhaust area rise the fire hazard.
💡You should check at least once a day, whether dust has accumulated in the engraving system. In case of soiling the machine must be cleaned. The cleaning interval strongly depends on the material that is being processed and the operating time of the device. Please bear in mind that only a clean machine guarantees optimal performance and reduces the service costs.
General Cleaning Notes:
1. Make sure, that the device is switched off and unplugged. Open the protective cover.
2. Movethe working table into a position in which it is easiest for you to clean the surface with a window cleaning
agent and paper towels.
3. Thoroughly remove all loose dirt particles and deposits in the interior of the machine.
4. Clean the cover of the laser tube.
5. You can clean the viewing window with a cotton cloth. Do not use paper towels as they could scratch the
6. The laser nozzle should be cleaned regularly to prevent oil and grease buildup from obstructing the laser
beam. It is recommended to clean the laser aperture every three days.
5.2 Cleaning the Optical Parts
The lens has a durable multi-coating and won’t be damaged by correct and careful cleaning. You should inspect the focus lens and the mirrors and the beam combiner according the maintenance plan. If you discover a veil of haze or dirt, you must clean them.
It is suggested to clean the mirrors/lens before work every day in order to run the machine at max efficiency. Please turn off the power of laser machine before cleaning the optical parts.
💡1. The cleaner and cotton swabs are in the tool box that came with the machine.
2. The lens must be cleaned carefully with a clean cotton swab to avoid scratching the surface of the lens.
3. Do not touch the lens with your hands after wiping.
4. Never use a cleaning swab twice.
Follow the instructions below for the cleaning of optical parts:
5.2.1 Cleaning the Focus Lens
1. Move the working head into the center of the working surface.
2. Take the lens out.
3. Remove the coarse dust as good as possible by blowing air onto the lens surface.
4. Clean the lens with the cleaner and swabs.
5. Finally, dry this side of the lens with dry cleaning swabs and repeat the cleaning process on the other side of the lens. Never use a cleaning swabs twice. Dust accumulated in the cleaning swabs could scratch the lens surface.
6. Examine the lens. If it is still soiled, repeat the cleaning process until the lens is clean.
7. Install the lens back.
5.2.2 Cleaning the Mirrors
There are three mirrors in the operating area of the laser, which may have to be cleaned if they are soiled. To clean the reflector, follow the instructions below.
1. Removethe coarse dust as good as possible by blowing air onto the mirror surface.
2. Clean the lens with the cleaner and swabs.
3. Finally, dry this side of the mirror with dry cleaning swabs and repeat the cleaning process on the other side of the mirror. Never use a cleaning swabs twice. Dust accumulated in the cleaning swabs could scratch the mirror surface.
4. Examine the mirror. If it is still soiled, repeat the cleaning process until the lens is clean.
5.2.3 Cleaning Laser Combiner
1. Thelaser combiner is installed on the left side of the first mirror.
2. Removethe coarse dust as good as possible by blowing air onto the combiner surface.
3. Clean the lens with the cleaner and swabs.
4. Finally, dry this side of the laser combiner with dry cleaning swabs and repeat the cleaning process on the other side of the lens. Never use a cleaning swab twice. Dust accumulated in the cleaning swabs could scratch the combiner surface.
5. Examine the laser combiner. If it is still soiled, repeat the cleaning process until it is clean.
5.3 Check the Beam Path
After being used for a long time, the beam path might be deflective. This will reduce the efficient of the laser beam or even cause no laser beam.At this moment, you will need to re-adjust the beam path again.
5.4 Maintenance Plan
Please strictly follow the maintenance instructions in this manual to maintain the equipment. Failure to adhere to these instructions or using incorrect maintenance methods may result in equipment damage, affecting its performance and potentially voiding the warranty.